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Vision Statement-

The Little Cake Shop vision is to collaborate with the customers in creating custom, fashionable, unique to them, and one of kind design bakeries for occasions with guarantee satisfaction bringing happiness and excitement to each customer. Provide the top quality of taste to each individual pieces of art as the customer envisioned. Provide the same vision and communication to customers to exceed the customers’ expectations. Build a business by engaging in the customer experience, innovation, and customer focus, delivery of results, trusting, inspired, and successfully reaching expectation. Provide for the communities for which the business serves with quality products and give back to what makes communities cohesive. 

Mission Statement-

The mission is to enthusiastically re-invent the way the customers enjoy the collaborative expression of unique, eloquent, and “outside the box” thinking in bakery designs allowing to exceed the customer expectations. The goal, provide supreme product and customer experience using quality ingredients and new techniques to create a product truly superior in taste and design. Provide appreciation to each guest for the opportunity to serve them and provide happiness and joy through the art of food.

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